Reface - glass scratch removal
glass scratch removal, scratch repair and polishing, uk specialist cleaning, glass Other services - glass spatter treatment, glass resin repairs, stainless steel repair

The Howard Hotel

Spatter treatment

After adjustments made to steelwork supporting the projecting entrance canopy during refurbishment Angle Grinder Spatter was discovered on six panes of glass. The Hotel could not accept the disruption replacement of the glass would cause so opted for Reface spatter removal treatment. The result being glass that was clear of marks detectable by guests at modest cost and without any disruption to the Hotel.

Howard Hotel
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Reface Ltd, Kingston House, Waterside Court, Neptune Close, Rochester, Kent ME2 4NZ
tel (office hours): 01634 735616   tel (out of hours): 07903 500237   fax: 01634 735601
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